It doesn't matter where we are , so as long our hearts are together , it'll be fine ♥
Thursday, July 14, 2011 10:58 AM

Going collect ticket later . Now doing Home-Based Learning !!! D:
After collect , rush back to school BAND ! <3

Wednesday, July 13, 2011 2:25 PM

Baby performing in NDP and got two free ticket for me to watch LIVE this saturday ! WHOOOOOOOO .


2:22 PM

WOAHHHHHH . SO long nvr blog le . :O
Well , its still a happy happy day for me since 2November <3

Wednesday, April 20, 2011 10:06 AM

hi i'm back . :D currently listening to the syf pieces that we played . Missed the memories we had . so tiring but fun . Really . I did not even have a single sight of regret of joining band . I'm so proud of being a member of this band . (L)

Friday, April 15, 2011 2:21 PM

Aunty sol's FINALLY back . How i miss talking to her , playing with her , she cutting my hair , watching tv .. She a companion to me at home . the only one whom i always talk to at home . without her , i'd only talk to the walls .. Lucky she is back .. But heard from her all her children cry .. I feel sad for them too . Mother had to go so far to work and they can only see each other once every two years .. Oh i miss her .

Wednesday, April 13, 2011 10:39 AM
in yuying secondary school

i'm not slacking ! I'm not not paying attention in class ! I'm using bjourn's wifi to access internet ! So its free . (: my class de peeps so friendly and nice . Willing to share things . I love them ! (: eating the kit-kat bit by bit from ms neo . Nice but made my tooth hurt . Maybe ate too much sweets le . Shall cut down . Two more days before aunty sol's arrival . Want to go airport fetch her leyy . I miss her ! i miss you too luhh darling . I miss you more . @: hais .

Tuesday, April 12, 2011 8:40 PM
Aunty sol's gonna be back soon !

Omygod . Time travels . My dear AUNTY sol is coming back on Friday ! Missdie her can ?! Hees . Went library at nex today . The book thr got alot alot alot of variety lo ! Shall go thr often le . Yup . The books damn new oso ! Too many dunno which to take . (:


Tuesday, February 8, 2011 6:51 PM

Dear baby ... I'm here to share to the world the story bout us ! I hope you dont mind .. =/
I was Magdalene , 14 last year . And you are ryan , 13 . We are cousins . We are actually fighting , and see-ing only once a year , during cny . Since 0 years old till 7 , we're damn close . Everytime going to ahma hse and play with others . Then after going into primary school . There we are , back again , close . It all started on 25January 2010 , when we went to sheyenne and aaron's birthday bbq , and i realised your're so alone .. So i asked xin and wei to accomoany me to 'entertain' you . At first , you looked shocked and kept walking away from us .. I wonder wad are you thinking then . :0 We then chatted and messaged each other since .. And it all started ...

I took a fancy on you after all that nonsense crap by you at middle october , and when you said bout your gf , i was abit jealous i admit . But i wished you well .. On 1st nov , you said you fought with your gf , i was tinking , why ? you're so good you know .. On 2 nov , i was returning home from band practice , and u 'confessed' with me too .. Well . i guess that was silly . In fact , we're just cousins .. Wad could you expect from that ? I accepted .. of course , and i cant look forward to see you on sunday ..

4 days l8r , we spent our night at ahma hse de living room ! Isnt it like so fast ? Hees .. Actually , i did held your hand to sleep . Its just that you didnt know . >< 17 nov , went tampines mall watched movie , megamind , whiched was then my first kiss gone . Oops . Then we went out again , 30th november , this time to alot of places . Suntec , nex , plaza singapura and marina . Fun fun day i remembered . Then we went out again , on 2nd Dec , watching Rapunzel 3D . You went to watched my school band's concert , held on the 12th Dec . Two days before i leave for japan .. Came back from japan , you went to hk . I waited , of course . But i'm dying to see you .. Bought presents for you . Plus a message . I totally hate that message of mine to you . It really ruined everything , which i shall not mention it here ..

Met again on 25th dec , which is on christmas at 7th aunt hse . It was fun , spending time with you . Rmb that staircase ? And the part whr you almost drop into the fish pond ? It will be etched in my heart . I will not forget all those fun and memorable stuffs .. Everything went alright and we continued to go ahma hse every sunday . I can feel that you are more bonded with not only me , but with the family again . I was so happy ..

School reopened , i get to go out with you lesser , but still manage to see each other every sunday .. At that time , i was lloking forward to Chinese New Year , when i agreed to stay at your hse on the 5th feb . Everything went as planned . I rmb 4th feb .. when we kissed and hugged the longest .. And just the day before , my mother allowed me to stay at your hse ! I was so delighted . But on the day itself , after bringing all the belongings to ahma hse , my mother suddenly have a change of mind and do not allow me to stay at your hse .. My mood was totally destroyed .. But its okay , at least i get to see you the next day right ? 5th feb arrived .. Went to your hse , everything . I was scared .. To face your parents ..

To be edited again next time ....

Tuesday, January 18, 2011 7:01 PM

AHH . Right hand injurd severly ! Cnt bend my second finger . it went black , then now freakin' pain ! Cnt play clarinet so ??? dunno how many days .. But mother said no need see doctor larh . Waste money . -.-'
I'm not impt . Yeah Yeah . Am i additional ?

Monday, January 3, 2011 2:03 PM
Wad's happening again ..

Ah ma is back in the hospital again ... )=
She said she had difficulties on breathing then had to be admitted to the hospital for check-up . Hope you're fine .. Two weeks no family gathering alr !! )= Cuz ah ma in hospital . then if we have gathering , it'll oso be in the hospital . HAIS . As you know , my grandmother has lung cancer . then now she undergoing therapy . then tmrw she is going to have one session and mummy's bringing her to the cancer centre . Undergoing therapy is painful and tiring .. )=
Oh yeah , because of joel chee zheming , his psle this year , mummy changed her working shift ! Freak . So for this year , she will be working in the morning ! from 8plus to 1plus . So she will be reaching home at 2plus then i have no freedom to go anywhere le .. But i'll try my best after school go out with darling awhile then go home . you know , had to accompany him . (=

I believe in miracles ,, do you ?


Labels: ,

Sunday, January 2, 2011 9:07 AM
New year , new beginning , new us ?

New year , new beginning , new us ?
Welcome to a new year everyone . did you all enjoy the previoues year ? i hope , yes . Well this year will be a damn tough and long year for me ! Lets see , although i'm only sec3 , i had to take Olevel for higher MT . <>So , after deciding and see-ing , i suppose i could deduct a total of 5 points out of my Olevels . WOW . 2 points from HMT , 2 from band and yeah , the last point from the outside thing thing .
Well , heres my new year resolution for the year ?
- Get new phone !! ( Nice nice de ! )
- Grow taller !! ( >160cm )
- Get good score for my exams !! ( All at least 60 marks ? )
- Get at least B4 for my Olevels HMT this year !! ( stressing me up ! )
- Good health ? ( i'm always coughing 365/year )
- Get to last long long with you , my darling ! ( i really miss you ! Its been 8days since i last seen you ! :/ )
- I could spend more time with everybody .
- Can play well well on my clarinet ! ( Hongxing and Andrea going ' retire ' le ! Now had to depend on us . )
- Have my OWN bedroom and lappy ! ( Personal de ! )
- Get the ' Glasses ' from NEX . Who can buy for me ?? ( Darling says he will get for me ! )
Well , today is our second month le !
Hope will have third month , forth monnth , fifth month ..... (=

Tuesday, December 28, 2010 2:27 PM



Sunday, December 26, 2010 6:15 PM
Christmas dinner

Heyys . long time no post . (=
Was so busy . :0 Went to 7aunt's new condo at west coast way yesterday ! It was my best christmas ever i can suppose . BBQ time , it rained ! UHH . Then we all stuck at the pit . almost everyone got drenched . cuz the shelter for the pit isnt big . then we have alot of ppl . Luckily we found two canvas sheets - i dunno from where , then slowly 3 by 3 go underneath the canvas and ran to big shelter . so funny . although our bbq was kinda ruined , but we enjoyed every single minute we spent . Haha . then we went back to the house and we ate prepared food like pasta and fried rice . Yummy . Since its still drizzling abit , we gave our christmas exchange gifts ! Haha . the one i gave boy got so much of my writings . then he was like trying to peep peep - trying not to let anyone sees . Then , raining stopped . We started going down .. WE wait let the adults go down first then when almmost everybody go down le then we brought the babies down . One family . No laa . Jk . then cuz dark dark , cnt see the road clearly , the lake full of fishes looked like road for us to walk and boy abit more drop into the water ! It was scary seh ! His one leg goes into the water alr larh ! Disgusting . Then i faster grab him lo . lucky me and the little ones walk behind or else l8r everybody drop inside . Then brought him to wash his leg . After bbq , everybody went back to the condo sit at the balconies around the house 'enjoy' the lightling scenery . LOL . The whole house 24hrs air-conditioned leh ! So good . Played with 7uncle's ipad . So cool !! Ahh . Went home at 10 plus plus .


Tuesday, December 21, 2010 12:00 AM
Tired ahh

Hi .. Just reached back home ..

There its super cold .. then this morning my nose and mouth bleed somemore .. Quite alot leh .. then after when the plane landed , my ear was blocked then till now still blocked !! Argh . Bought and spent quite alot of money too .. I transit from HongKong to singapore . You went from Singapore to HongKong today !! )=

23 you then come back .. i wanna sleep le ! Eye keep shutting down .


Sunday, December 5, 2010 5:34 PM
Hais ..

Heyys .

Back . (=

Watched rapunzel .. was quite nice larhh . 3D de . The 3D glass quite heavy ? Is liddat de laa . See then went walk walk lo . Saw Kim hyun joong thr . Blahblahblah ..

Comp spoil . Mother say buying a new one ! Happy . then Aunty susan bought a PINK camera for me ! Santa Clause . Its Canon IXUS 105 . WOW . She even bought olympus camera for my maid siol .. So good . Will try to update my PATHETIC blog more often i hope .

@Erinna --> Kayys . i'll buy anything . And thx for tagging in my blog .. But its kinda dead .. :x

ONE more week to JAPAN . I guess it'll be the only trip i'm going overseas w/o my family . Excited yeahhs . But imagine not seeing or texting you or 6 days .. HAIS . Well .. there'll be band practise this whole week ! So i wont be going out with you anymore before i head to japan .. looking to next sunday ? Cuz band will be having a concert in school and you are coming !! :D Thanks boy . And Erinna . HAHAH .



Yours truly,

With love♥

Girl ♥
Presents could be given to herr on : 14october ! ♥
Loves .... ♥
Clarinet ♥
Yuying sec ♥
Loves random stuffs ♥
Wish getting everything she wished on ♥


Relationship Status !

  • Stuck to .... ♥♥

  • With Loves,

    Him ! ♥♥♥
    Myself ! ♥
    Cheese ! ♥
    Chocolates ! ♥
    Choco Milk ! ♥
    School ! ♥
    Band ! ♥
    2E1 ! ♥


    Click for my wishlist !

  • Wallet from forever 21 ♥
  • 'Never Tell'
    by Catherine McCall ♥
  • Have you forever ♥
  • Get to go out with darling always ♥
  • Make more friends ♥
  • Everybody be healthy ♥
  • shopping spree ♥
  • Learn abit of piano ♥
  • Grow Taller ♥
    (At least 159m please god)
  • Own a polaroid camera ♥
  • Thats all at the MOMENT ♥

    Scream Love,

  • I'd walk a thousand miles , just to see you .