It doesn't matter where we are , so as long our hearts are together , it'll be fine ♥
Monday, January 25, 2010 6:27 PM
happy birthday sheyenne~!! (:

today is my cousin, sheyenne birthday..! (: happy 8th birthday girl..! (: lolx.. on sat oso my other cousin birthday then i went to the party.. then of course i have to skip band la!! but hor, yichuan says that going birthday is not a valid EXCUSE!! WAD THE HELL~!!! hellos.., family is more important than band ohkay?! we share the same blood in our bodies lehx..! if not FAMILY will not be called as FAMILY OHKAY..!! damn pissed off.. but i dun really care as we will be enjoying ourselves rather than thinking of all the 'SORROWS'?! haha..(: in the afternoon at around 12plusplus, me, joel,julia jie, jolene jie n bryan gor meet up at hougang point then go makan first before we go NTUC buy the ingredients to bake the cookies..!(:then take 112 to wei house. (cuz her house got oven) then when i stepped into her house, i saw one giraffe as tall that can reach the ceilling.! (: so cute.. then we bake bake bake.. then 'play the piano' (anyhow play) hahas.. so fun..! then 4aunt bring us to ah ma hse..(: when we reach thr, OMG so many ppl!! saw, ryan.. he go jun yuan sec?? he look so lyk sun zi you!! he so damn emo at first lols.. sit at one corner.. then me, xin n wei go make him.. is lyk so funny until i go take ICE, very big clutch one, n throw at him..(: then he go throw back at me.. then the commotion begins..(: we have competition, see whose hand can stay in the water the longest..(: i lose la!! XD then eat.. jaymee says i very short lehx.. waliao.. she damn cute sia..! (: cut BANGS de..! babies cut bangs of course cute la..!(: then play play play, go home at 10plus plus..(: SO DAMN FUN!! ohya, heard that ryan got girlfriend wor..! WHOOHOO!! so young!! too young liao la boy!! (: haha.. this post very de long wor..(:

Saturday, January 23, 2010 11:53 AM

heyhey! jiahui here(: haha

Friday, January 22, 2010 7:51 PM
yan lin join band!!!!

yanlin join band..!(:
so damn happy sia..(:
so many hw lols..
homework homework homework!!!~
jia hui, i miss u!! :D

Wednesday, January 20, 2010 8:11 PM
wad the hell..!

school again..!
everytime when school holidays arrrived,ppl always complain that time go very de slow n hope school will resume.. but after sch reopen.., tons of hw came n hope that holidays will arrive soon..! wad the hell logic is that..! (:
BTW, yan lin join band..! omg.!(: i cant wait sia..><
so HAPPY~!!!
JIA HUI!! I 'MISS' you..!<3

Yours truly,

With love♥

Girl ♥
Presents could be given to herr on : 14october ! ♥
Loves .... ♥
Clarinet ♥
Yuying sec ♥
Loves random stuffs ♥
Wish getting everything she wished on ♥


Relationship Status !

  • Stuck to .... ♥♥

  • With Loves,

    Him ! ♥♥♥
    Myself ! ♥
    Cheese ! ♥
    Chocolates ! ♥
    Choco Milk ! ♥
    School ! ♥
    Band ! ♥
    2E1 ! ♥


    Click for my wishlist !

  • Wallet from forever 21 ♥
  • 'Never Tell'
    by Catherine McCall ♥
  • Have you forever ♥
  • Get to go out with darling always ♥
  • Make more friends ♥
  • Everybody be healthy ♥
  • shopping spree ♥
  • Learn abit of piano ♥
  • Grow Taller ♥
    (At least 159m please god)
  • Own a polaroid camera ♥
  • Thats all at the MOMENT ♥

    Scream Love,

  • I'd walk a thousand miles , just to see you .