It doesn't matter where we are , so as long our hearts are together , it'll be fine ♥
Thursday, September 30, 2010 5:35 PM
Panda !

Oh lalala .. Darling sad today .. ):
Let me be sad too . :X
Hais ..
Said smth which made you dont dare reply me .. Shy huh ? :O



Wednesday, September 29, 2010 8:15 PM
Boring .

Me ! Double eyelids !

Heart made of wax !

Iced-lemon tea at thai restaurant ! $3 ehhs !

hahah ! photos photos ! Suddenly so HIGH ! =)


5:06 PM

School ..
Science = do worksheets . Maths = do worksheets . Chinese = do worksheets . But the worksheet is not like this abc worksheet easy laa .. its so difficult . Especially Mt . Compre everywhere . four compre leh !
Then l8r going funeral .. How to study ?? Lucky U got your sim card back ! Yeah yeah ! Can sms liao ! the provision shop uncle cheat money de lo .Yesterday i buy one packet of sweet , he says 30 cents . today i buy , he says 50 cents . Might as well say 100 bucks . Aiya , i donate to you laa .. Lol .. School was fine . Erinna showed me her drawings ! Nice mermaid . :D
Studied with CLaire during MT lesson .. Do the freaking worksheet .. hais ..



Tuesday, September 28, 2010 5:47 PM
Why Why Why

People are STUPID .

Out of school liaox still PESTER us . Why ? You jealous our class is back to one piece ? Ahahah ! You better be . Cuz i wont give a fcuking care .

Smallest aunt's mother passed away today .. So many things happened .. GOing to the funeral wake either today or tomorrow .. Ciao . 'V.V'


Monday, September 27, 2010 5:44 PM
ShOpPiNg !

Been updating almost everyday ! :DD
Cuz , sim card spoil . ><
hahahah .. tmrw will start not to update le !! Kidding larh .
Today got english and mt paper 1 and 2 .
Okay larh ! English is ' goodbye ' and situational writing ..
Mt is ' informal writing to overseas friends regarding colouring of hair ' and ' great Singapore sale ' ! Makes me wanna shop ! Well , throw that to after holidays ! Shall save $$$ ! Ahahah ! No $ le ! :P Today after sch BeiNi taught me how to play a song on the piano . NIce ! I get to know how to play the melody but hor , not the background ehhs .. Cuz my fingers lo . Too short ! Your fault la , fingers ! Shall practise more ?! Waah . So many aims le . :D
Get the wallet , the book , learn piano , save money for shopping spree and still got many many more !!



Sunday, September 26, 2010 11:14 AM
Heheheh :D

Lalala X3
Shall leave you in the crowd and walk away .
Uhh-Ohh ! Today ! Ahma House ! :)
Aunty Sol ! Doe , re , mi , fa , sol !
I wann drink Aloe Vera ! Help me pour !
Hope you sees this ! I lazy walk . ><
Thank yous !
Waa ..!! You really help me take ! I tell mummy you use the comp !
Hahahah ! Btw , thankyou ! I too lazy le ! :P


Labels: ,

Saturday, September 25, 2010 10:35 AM
Wallets !

WHat SHould I Do TOday ??
Heheheh ! Shall I go out ?! No . STUDY ! But not for the whole day mahhs ..
Emmm .. Shall go out first then come back study !!
Who can get me forever 21 de wallet for my birthday ?! I wann the pink one on top ! Heheheh ..
Craving for the book named 'Never Tell' by Catherine McCall too ! Can be bought at Popular ! :P


Friday, September 24, 2010 5:18 PM
School day

School today as usual ..

Art today do halfway what fire drill .. Waste time .. Chiong-ing halfway ring ring ring .. Then have to stop . Walao . That thing is our exam leh !! Plus Mr See everytime nvr come de ... Argh !

Plus hor .. Ahh !! How could your Sim card just spoil ?! Hais .. Bo Bian .. wait lo ..

now nobody to talk to .. ):

Actually today going out with you .. But sorry i cnt make it uhh .. Cuz hor , take bus halfway friend call me say need to develop the pizza photo for Home Ec . Then i nvr go lo . PS ehhs ! Hahah !



Thursday, September 23, 2010 5:20 PM

My family is going to collaspe !
Because of that FCUKING Cancer !
Ahma ! U will live to ripe age yeah !?
Even the doctores confirmed that you have CANCER ! Lung cancer somemore !
Then now need go Singapore cancer duno wad check which stage in now .. Hope you are only in stage 1 as there will be a probability to recover ! We will be there for you . Always . Biggest son , second son , 1st aunt / uncle , 2nd aunt / uncle , 3rd aunt / uncle , 4th aunt / uncle , 5th aunt / uncle , my mummy / daddy , 7th aunt / uncle , 8th aunt uncle , 9th aunt / uncle , Zheng Hao , Zheng Yang , Sheyenne , Wei , Ryan , Jaymee , Me , Joel , Winston , Denise , Aaron , Benjamin , Julia , Bryan , Jolene . WE ARE YOUR FAMILY ! Promise me you will be fine will ya ?! Love you all ttm .
Looking forward to every sunday's Family gathering nowadays ! Wish you well !
Alot of bad news these days .. 11th floor uncle just passed away unexpectedly ! ( At night coughing , midnight go hospital , the next day died . )
Treasure your family's ties well ! DOnt ever hate someone just because you hate them ! Love them ! Appreciate them ! Before its too late ..



5:08 PM
Search somemore !

School today ! Spent almost the whole day composing more stupid songs ! Fun ! Exams coming le ! Jiayous everyone ! (:

Lalala X3 Went out today ! To : ?????

aHAHAH .. Erinna was like kept checking my phone . PS hor ! I kept them somewhere whr hmm .. Shall let you search around . haha ! Good luck trying ! :D

And dont tell the whole world !! Aiyo ! Been trying to keep it down yeahs ?


Wednesday, September 22, 2010 6:14 PM

O.M.G. Now Claire and Erinna knows my 'secret' .
Wth ! Must shh ~
Ahahah . School was fun today ! Composed a song for Phui Yee today by using the song ' Doe a Deer ' . Lol ! THen mt lesson did compo .. Thanks Claire for teaching me how to set password ! Now i know how to le ! Yeah ! Heard that Yr is coming back to this school to take her exams . Hope we wont get to even see her . Life is happy ! Today , My Teo and Johnny Tan came in our class talk abt respecet . Lol . Main motive is just to have an attire check .. All girls passed except for some boys . Unlucky ! Then they have to especially go to the nearby Barber to trim hair . Waste time . =3
Darling today went to East Coast Park . Heard from claire she oso going . Did you went past him ? lol . East Coast soo big . Poor him . Ganna tied up on the tree . DIRTY ! Eeks !!



Tuesday, September 21, 2010 5:38 PM

Wow . Cook my lunch myself . So proud of me !! :X
Basically only cooked egg , maggi mee and fish nugget . So , easy larh ! :P
Heheh . Art teacher nvr come today .. Made me looking forward for art class .. Cuz got Air-Con !
Pe today mahhs ... Then warm ! Haiyo ... Then geog teacher also absent . Exams coming le still absent ?! 3 periods wasted . No , should be 4 periods lo . Science sit there answer questions on visualizer* only .. Zzz .. Study time ~



Sunday, September 19, 2010 10:20 AM


When i saw the photos this morning , Heart-Ache .

Why must you do this to me ?? Simply dont understand ...

Now what i could say is : Jiayous ... 'V.V'



Saturday, September 18, 2010 10:56 PM
Chat chat !

Lucky you saw that post .

Chatted with YOU for sooo long ..

Aiyo .. Ask your parents rest more uhh ! And you ! Study harder ! :DD

Ask me ! If you dunno how to do anything ! (:

God bless .

( Glad to hear that you are okay now )



Friday, September 17, 2010 7:35 PM
New New New !

New post for today ! New tagboard ! New everything !

Darling ! Why are you sooo sad !? I wann you to be happy happy ~~

Then i can only be happy ! U say your parents got illness .. Tell me laa .. I will SHH de !

PLease ! If you see this post , msg me ! Just me ! (:



Tuesday, September 14, 2010 10:18 PM
Be guilty

I GIVE UP ON YOU . So SORRY ! I message you , you say orh orh orh . Then now you flood my msgs , i follow suit say orh orh orh . Then You give me --> ): Now you know how i feel le bahs ? Guilty ?
HAhhs . Be so . (:
Dont waste your sms on me . :DD
Cuz i will reply but my message is unlimited but yours not . I've seen . you sent me 1000 plus plus messages . Your father gonna scold . Dont blame me . i didnt force you .
But thank you Boii , for being there for me when i'm down . (:


Monday, September 13, 2010 5:18 PM
School !

Ohh ! School is back . You are finally back too ! Miss you ehhs ! 4 days ! Was countdown-ing halfway when you suddenly called me last night .. Thought u coming back at 12 midnight ? Surprised me ! (: SHOCKED . THANK YOU boy for buying me smth in Cameron Highlands ! Totally appreciated it . See you on Sunday ! (: Excited to see what you've gotten for me . Ciaos ~


Sunday, September 12, 2010 7:46 PM
Yay !

5 hours 12 minutes ! (:


1:02 PM
You're back !

23 more hours !! (:
Yeah yeah !
Miss you ttm !
And you are finally back ! :D
12 midnight meet .



Friday, September 10, 2010 10:40 PM
Get well soon ..

This picture is for the previous post .
I really hope nothing will happen to you . Live to a ripe age . (:


10:32 PM
Bad news ..

2 more days ..
Seriously , why does 4 days seems like 1 month ?!
Got a bad news .. Ahma got either tuberculosis or cancer ! ):
Why must this happen to her ?? She's such a kind soul .
She will be having a further check-up this coming tues .. Hopes everybody will bless her .
God bless her , buddhua bless her , devils bless her , spirits bless her , angels bless her , vampires bles her , humans bless her , ghosts bless her , the grass bless her , the trees bless her , the tortoises bless her , all the living things on Earth bless her , non-living things also bless her . Hopes nothing happens to her . will pray the whole day for her . Toots .


Thursday, September 9, 2010 8:08 PM
Ahh !

3 more days and my darling will be back from Malaysia ! (:
Miss him TTM ! (:

Friday, September 3, 2010 9:16 PM

Okay . I'm not trying to complain here .. But seriously , I'm having headaches during and after band ! By right , now also ! ): Cuz Hongxing Says blow louder , then i blow .. I doubt Huiluan got blow cuz she dont how to play and dun wann to learn . The sec 1s Dunno how play asked her , she just said , ask Magdalene . U think i'm a robot mahh ? I some oso dunno .. Then she kept playing the Disney Fantasy part Alphabet E . THen when i tell her u know how to play this part , why dont try another part ? okay , in the end . She ignored me and continue playing that part . Even Angel and Shiqi could play celtic almost half le .. We all must buck up . Hope we will maintain the band like last time and not let the seniors down . (: Jiayous everyone ~


Wednesday, September 1, 2010 11:29 AM

Sian .. What to do today ?? Homeworks => finished . Assessment books => lazy . Wad to do ?! Hate that Bitch . Get out of our life laa.. U can choose your own friends . Why cant I ?? I hope you're reading my blog ! I would DEARLY appreciated that . LOL . Shoosh off ! :DD
Jiahui : I'm waiting for you !

Yours truly,

With love♥

Girl ♥
Presents could be given to herr on : 14october ! ♥
Loves .... ♥
Clarinet ♥
Yuying sec ♥
Loves random stuffs ♥
Wish getting everything she wished on ♥


Relationship Status !

  • Stuck to .... ♥♥

  • With Loves,

    Him ! ♥♥♥
    Myself ! ♥
    Cheese ! ♥
    Chocolates ! ♥
    Choco Milk ! ♥
    School ! ♥
    Band ! ♥
    2E1 ! ♥


    Click for my wishlist !

  • Wallet from forever 21 ♥
  • 'Never Tell'
    by Catherine McCall ♥
  • Have you forever ♥
  • Get to go out with darling always ♥
  • Make more friends ♥
  • Everybody be healthy ♥
  • shopping spree ♥
  • Learn abit of piano ♥
  • Grow Taller ♥
    (At least 159m please god)
  • Own a polaroid camera ♥
  • Thats all at the MOMENT ♥

    Scream Love,

  • I'd walk a thousand miles , just to see you .