It doesn't matter where we are , so as long our hearts are together , it'll be fine ♥
Friday, October 29, 2010 8:13 PM
Fun Fun Fun !

Fun today !
Morning went band , afternoon 12pm went Sentosa with darling !
Fun ! Is like alot of halloween decorations , took damn alot of pictures ! Wont show .. Private ! Play here and there ! I seriously recommend evrybody to go thr ! Wont regret ! Went Universal Studio de outside only ! Snap snap here and there ! Went to the beach oso ! Played around ! (X Walked across the bridge ! Carried two parrots ! 2kg leh ! Heavy . Now my hand got mark by the bird's hand . Went to play play around ! Then went Vivo played water then mrt home ! Fun ! Tmrw band leadership camp liao ! =(
Actually planning to go Escape with darling on Sunday cuz halloween ! But sorry ! I got camp till sunday 5pm ! Maybe will go with you . But will be late ! Then 5nov going to the zoo with darling again ! Fun , packed schedule ! Hahah ! =)
Thankyou , for accompany me home !
44 more days to Japan !



Thursday, October 28, 2010 1:47 PM
Heheh !

Bwahh ! Got parent-session today morning ! Mr Tan actually praised me sia ! OMG .

My total marks improved ehhs ! By 7 marks ! Woah ! Then still gave me 5 white forms cuz i helped on the class diary ! Thankies ! Then mummy's face seems happy ! Yay ! Bought things while on the way home . 4nov having class BBQ at East Coast . Mummy allows me to go ehhs ! Hope it will be an unforgettable one yeahhs ! 5nov going out ! =)

Tmrw band . The day after got leadership camp for the sec 2s and some selected secondary 1s . I hope Angel , Michelle , ShiQi , YanLin and XinYi got chosen . then they can accompany me ! Please Mr Faizal ! :( Hahah ! Then the next day after camp got band ! Dont feel like going . Is like straight the next day after camp leh ! But lucky the camp only two days . Or else we cfm DIE . Oops . 45 more days to go JAPAN ! Heheh ! Shall coutdown everyday ! My motivation for going to band practises ! Hahah ! Ciao ~



Sunday, October 24, 2010 8:57 PM
Yo !

Heyys !
Tmrw no school . (:
Maybe going out .. My out = Hospital !!
Now can rmb the hospital smell liaox .. :o
Ahma operation a sucess ! Waah ! Happy siao ~
Now she can talk , eat alot blahh blahh liao ! :DD


Saturday, October 23, 2010 9:28 PM

Heyys ..
Hows life ?
My life currently - Running in and out of hospital ..
Hais . Band , so many programmes .. One week l8r , band camp . Then will have lots and lots of practises ..
Comp spoil .. now fixed ! Yeah ..

Tuesday, October 5, 2010 5:15 PM
Re-read our conversation ..

You know wad ?
Although i sent you those meanie msgs , you just tried to avoid it .
Cant you see you did smth wrong ? re-read our conversations laa . U will be so Pai-seh .
Well . i'm fine now . But eye red red like bleeding . Someone give me a needle . Be blind . So i will attract ppl . Well .. Please re-read dear .
Wanna buy shoe . Who can accompany me ? Hais ..

And you really believed nothing happened to me ...


Sunday, October 3, 2010 7:25 PM

Hello !
Currently at Ahma hse .. Well , today nobady came infact ..
Soooo BORING larh !
Heard you went to Expo . Heard you getting a new lappy yeahs ? Must let me see see ohh ! Be happy ! :DD

Saturday, October 2, 2010 10:46 AM
I miss your Talk with me .

Bored bored bored . Last night went to wake till 10 plus reach home . Played instead of praying . :O Cuz we nvr go down .. We only stayed upstairs .. Cuz , no children allowed ! Lol .

Then the whole house was like nobody ! Except for US . On-ed music , then he danced and danced , trying make me laugh , but i beared . Of course . Hahah . Played comp , watched video ( funny de , dont anyhow ) , Sat down talk talk . (:

Thanks for cheering me darling !
Get well soon ahma darling !



Friday, October 1, 2010 5:38 PM
Fun Yeah ?

Heyys !

Been changing my blogskin many times like trying on new clothes !
Ooh ! Blog ah blog , do you feel warmer now ? I've picked and chose this new outfit for you in the end ! I used alot of my precious time ohh !

Today school was fine . Geog test . Only two questions , 30marks . Woah . Scare me . Then english , do corrections . Art , we did 'a thousand faces on a face' . Fun ! Erinna and PeiQin do like 5 to 6 layers only , give up . Bacause must do 20 layers ! :O I've finished , of course ! I very 'guai' de mahhs ! Mr see says those who finished got extraaa 5marks ! So , lucky me ! Saw my Ca results . Got 69marks for drawing ( 1 more mark to A2 ! ) and 70 marks for photoshop ( just right A2 ) . Must buck up ! Hees . Not sastified with my Art results though . Hao le . Byees !



Yours truly,

With love♥

Girl ♥
Presents could be given to herr on : 14october ! ♥
Loves .... ♥
Clarinet ♥
Yuying sec ♥
Loves random stuffs ♥
Wish getting everything she wished on ♥


Relationship Status !

  • Stuck to .... ♥♥

  • With Loves,

    Him ! ♥♥♥
    Myself ! ♥
    Cheese ! ♥
    Chocolates ! ♥
    Choco Milk ! ♥
    School ! ♥
    Band ! ♥
    2E1 ! ♥


    Click for my wishlist !

  • Wallet from forever 21 ♥
  • 'Never Tell'
    by Catherine McCall ♥
  • Have you forever ♥
  • Get to go out with darling always ♥
  • Make more friends ♥
  • Everybody be healthy ♥
  • shopping spree ♥
  • Learn abit of piano ♥
  • Grow Taller ♥
    (At least 159m please god)
  • Own a polaroid camera ♥
  • Thats all at the MOMENT ♥

    Scream Love,

  • I'd walk a thousand miles , just to see you .