It doesn't matter where we are , so as long our hearts are together , it'll be fine ♥
Tuesday, February 8, 2011 6:51 PM

Dear baby ... I'm here to share to the world the story bout us ! I hope you dont mind .. =/
I was Magdalene , 14 last year . And you are ryan , 13 . We are cousins . We are actually fighting , and see-ing only once a year , during cny . Since 0 years old till 7 , we're damn close . Everytime going to ahma hse and play with others . Then after going into primary school . There we are , back again , close . It all started on 25January 2010 , when we went to sheyenne and aaron's birthday bbq , and i realised your're so alone .. So i asked xin and wei to accomoany me to 'entertain' you . At first , you looked shocked and kept walking away from us .. I wonder wad are you thinking then . :0 We then chatted and messaged each other since .. And it all started ...

I took a fancy on you after all that nonsense crap by you at middle october , and when you said bout your gf , i was abit jealous i admit . But i wished you well .. On 1st nov , you said you fought with your gf , i was tinking , why ? you're so good you know .. On 2 nov , i was returning home from band practice , and u 'confessed' with me too .. Well . i guess that was silly . In fact , we're just cousins .. Wad could you expect from that ? I accepted .. of course , and i cant look forward to see you on sunday ..

4 days l8r , we spent our night at ahma hse de living room ! Isnt it like so fast ? Hees .. Actually , i did held your hand to sleep . Its just that you didnt know . >< 17 nov , went tampines mall watched movie , megamind , whiched was then my first kiss gone . Oops . Then we went out again , 30th november , this time to alot of places . Suntec , nex , plaza singapura and marina . Fun fun day i remembered . Then we went out again , on 2nd Dec , watching Rapunzel 3D . You went to watched my school band's concert , held on the 12th Dec . Two days before i leave for japan .. Came back from japan , you went to hk . I waited , of course . But i'm dying to see you .. Bought presents for you . Plus a message . I totally hate that message of mine to you . It really ruined everything , which i shall not mention it here ..

Met again on 25th dec , which is on christmas at 7th aunt hse . It was fun , spending time with you . Rmb that staircase ? And the part whr you almost drop into the fish pond ? It will be etched in my heart . I will not forget all those fun and memorable stuffs .. Everything went alright and we continued to go ahma hse every sunday . I can feel that you are more bonded with not only me , but with the family again . I was so happy ..

School reopened , i get to go out with you lesser , but still manage to see each other every sunday .. At that time , i was lloking forward to Chinese New Year , when i agreed to stay at your hse on the 5th feb . Everything went as planned . I rmb 4th feb .. when we kissed and hugged the longest .. And just the day before , my mother allowed me to stay at your hse ! I was so delighted . But on the day itself , after bringing all the belongings to ahma hse , my mother suddenly have a change of mind and do not allow me to stay at your hse .. My mood was totally destroyed .. But its okay , at least i get to see you the next day right ? 5th feb arrived .. Went to your hse , everything . I was scared .. To face your parents ..

To be edited again next time ....

Yours truly,

With love♥

Girl ♥
Presents could be given to herr on : 14october ! ♥
Loves .... ♥
Clarinet ♥
Yuying sec ♥
Loves random stuffs ♥
Wish getting everything she wished on ♥


Relationship Status !

  • Stuck to .... ♥♥

  • With Loves,

    Him ! ♥♥♥
    Myself ! ♥
    Cheese ! ♥
    Chocolates ! ♥
    Choco Milk ! ♥
    School ! ♥
    Band ! ♥
    2E1 ! ♥


    Click for my wishlist !

  • Wallet from forever 21 ♥
  • 'Never Tell'
    by Catherine McCall ♥
  • Have you forever ♥
  • Get to go out with darling always ♥
  • Make more friends ♥
  • Everybody be healthy ♥
  • shopping spree ♥
  • Learn abit of piano ♥
  • Grow Taller ♥
    (At least 159m please god)
  • Own a polaroid camera ♥
  • Thats all at the MOMENT ♥

    Scream Love,

  • I'd walk a thousand miles , just to see you .